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WP的新插件:Konami Code

先说说什么是Konami Code。魂斗罗这个小时候的游戏大家还都记得吧?著名的30人秘技呢?呵呵没错,上上下下左右左右BABA。其实,这段代码可是很有名的,根据维基百科Konami Code词条

“The Konami Code, known in Japan as the Konami Command (コナミコマンド ,Konami Komando?), is a cheat code that appears in many Konami video games, [1] although the code also appears in some non-Konami games.[2] The code was first used in the 1986 release of Gradius for the Nintendo Entertainment System [3] but was made famous in North America in the NES version of Contra, for which it was also dubbed the “30 Lives Code”. While pausing the game or during the title screen, the player could press the following sequence of buttons on the game controller:

↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

The code was subsequently re-used in a large number of other games, and has found a place in popular culture as a reference to the third generation of video game consoles”

而接下来要说的这个插件,就是给你的网站也加上konami code的小东西。这是今天在后台无意看见的,最新的WP插件,很有意思。


WP-Konami adds a small JavaScript to your WordPress blog (all pages or just the index) that adds a hook that listens to user input for the Konami Code. When users successfully input the code, they are redirected to a custom URL.


WP-Konami在你的wordpress博客上加入了一小段JavaScript(可以加在所有页面也可以只加在首页),该JS增加了一个Hook来监听用户输入的Konami Code。当用户成功输入Konami Code后,用户就将被重定向到一个自定义的网址。


UPDATE:貌似该插件在IE下无效果,如需测试请在Firefox下打开。请在测试时耐心等待页面完全装载完毕再输入konami code,并且输入速度不要太快——要求这么多>_< UPDATE2:抱歉,这个插件已经被禁用了,演示效果已经没有了,呵呵。开了以后首页有点卡,浏览体验也一般。于是,关之~


WP的新插件:Konami Code》有 1 条评论

  1. 李宁专卖说道:

    魂斗罗 呵呵小时候 玩坏了好几个 小霸王呢

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